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  • Writer's pictureLethal Pasty

Discovering the Lighter Side of Saudi Arabia: 14 interesting Facts

Hi and welcome to Lethal Pasty and to another post on my life in Saudi Arabia.

When you think of Saudi Arabia, the first things that come to mind are its rich history, vast desert landscapes, and bustling cities like Riyadh and Jeddah. You might picture majestic camels strolling through endless dunes with the sound track to Lawrence of Arabia playing in the background, towering date palms offering shade, and the aroma of exotic spices wafting through ancient markets. But wait! Beyond the classic images of camels and dates, there's a lighter, humorous side to this fascinating country that often goes unnoticed. Let’s buckle up and dive into some intriguing facts about Saudi Arabia that are sure to make you smile, chuckle, and maybe even laugh out loud!

1. Camel Beauty Contests: The Ultimate Pageant

Move over Miss Universe, here comes Miss Camel! In Saudi Arabia, camels aren't just for riding or racing; they have their own glamorous beauty pageants. The annual King Abdulaziz Camel Festival is home to a camel beauty contest where these desert darlings are judged on everything from the size of their lips to the shape of their humps. Picture it: camels strutting their stuff, batting their long eyelashes, all in the hopes of winning millions in prize money. It's like "America's Next Top Model" but with more humps and fewer tantrums.

2. Penguins in the Desert: Waddle They Think of Next?

If you ever find yourself in Riyadh Zoo, don't be surprised if you see a colony of penguins hanging out in the desert. Yes, penguins in Saudi Arabia! These tuxedoed cuties have their own special enclosure, making it possible for Saudis to experience a little slice of Antarctica right in their backyard. Imagine the penguins’ confusion, waddling around wondering where all the ice went. It’s like a scene from “Madagascar” but real life.

3. No Kissing Camels: An Unwritten Rule

Camels are adored in Saudi Arabia, but there's one piece of advice that locals will always share: don't kiss the camels! While it might be tempting to pucker up for a selfie with these gentle giants, locals joke that kissing a camel could lead to some serious bad breath problems — theirs, not yours! The wisdom behind this quirky piece of advice is probably rooted in health concerns, but it’s a fun story to tell nonetheless. Just remember, a smooch-free selfie is the way to go!

4. Epic Coffee Breaks: A National Pastime

Saudis take their coffee very seriously, and we're not just talking about your average cup of Joe. Traditional "Gahwa" is a spiced coffee served in tiny cups, and coffee breaks here are an art form. It's not uncommon to be invited for coffee several times a day, and each session can last for hours. Imagine trying to explain to your boss that you're late because you were stuck in an epic coffee break marathon — only in Saudi Arabia! It’s like being part of a never-ending tea party in Wonderland, except with more caffeine.

5. Speed Bumps of Doom

Driving in Saudi Arabia can be quite the adventure as i have posted before, this is thanks to their notorious speed bumps. These aren’t your average road humps; some of them are so tall they could double as launch ramps for Evel Knievel. Locals joke that driving over these bumps can feel like riding a roller coaster, adding an unexpected thrill to the daily commute. Hold onto your coffee and your suspension system!

6. Emoji Etiquette: Text with Caution

In Saudi Arabia, emojis are more than just cute icons — they can be a minefield of cultural etiquette. There was a time when using certain emojis could land you in hot water if they were deemed inappropriate or offensive. Picture a world where a simple smiley face could cause a diplomatic incident. It's a quirky reminder to always text with caution and maybe think twice before sending that winky face. After all, you wouldn’t want to accidentally propose marriage with a misinterpreted emoji!

7. Censorship Creativity: The Art of Editing

Saudi Arabia has some strict censorship laws, but locals have found amusing ways to deal with it. In movies, for example, women's clothing might be digitally altered to be more modest, or entire scenes might be cleverly edited out. This can lead to some hilariously awkward movie moments where characters suddenly disappear mid-conversation or wear magically changing outfits. It’s like a game of “spot the edit” for the audience. Imagine watching “Titanic” and suddenly, Rose is wearing a turtleneck sweater in every scene.

8. The King Abdulaziz Camel Festival's Robot Jockeys

In Riyadh, the annual King Abdulaziz Camel Festival is a grand event celebrating the cultural significance of camels. While we've already touched on camel beauty contests, there's another quirky aspect: robot jockeys. Camel racing is a popular sport, but instead of human jockeys, they now use tiny robot jockeys! These high-tech robots, often adorned in colorful racing gear, are controlled remotely by the camel owners, who cheer on their camels from afar. Picture a camel race with a line-up of dromedaries sprinting down the track, each with a miniature robot clinging on for dear life. It's a fascinating blend of tradition and technology that brings a unique and humorous twist to the age-old sport. In Riyadh, even camel racing gets a futuristic upgrade!

9. Air Conditioning Adventures: Climate Control Comedy

Given the blistering heat, Saudis have become masters of air conditioning. But this mastery comes with its own set of humorous challenges. expats often joke about experiencing “reverse weather shock” when stepping out of their ultra-cooled cars and buildings into the scorching sun. The temperature difference can be so dramatic it feels like walking from Antarctica into an oven. You haven’t lived until you’ve shivered in the desert! It’s like living in a giant game of freeze tag where the air conditioner is always "it."

10. Fast Food Feasts: Bigger is Better

Fast food is a big deal in Saudi Arabia, and drive-thrus can get exceptionally busy. What’s funny is the sheer volume of food people order — it's not uncommon to see tiny cars stuffed with enough burgers and fries to feed a small army. Picture a clown car, but with Big Macs. It’s a testament to the Saudi love for gathering and sharing meals, even if it means turning your car into a mobile feast station. It’s like seeing a food truck, but in reverse.

11. The Camel's Nose in Everything

Camels are not just for riding or beauty contests in Saudi Arabia; they have a way of inserting themselves into all aspects of life. There’s a popular saying that if you let a camel stick its nose into your tent, soon the whole camel will follow. This bit of wisdom is often used to humorously describe how little issues can escalate if not addressed promptly. Picture trying to have a quiet dinner and suddenly finding a camel’s head poking into your kitchen, demanding attention — and probably a snack.

12. Desert Skiing: Sand Dunes' Winter Sport

Forget the Alps; Saudi Arabia has its own version of skiing — on sand dunes! Locals and adventurous tourists alike grab their skis or snowboards and head to the nearest dune for some “sand skiing.” It’s a quirky and fun twist on a winter sport, with the added bonus that you’ll never get cold. Just imagine the hilarity of wiping out and getting a mouthful of sand instead of snow. It’s all the fun of skiing, without the frostbite!

13. The Jeddah Floating Mosque: Optical Illusions

The Al-Rahma Mosque, also known as the Floating Mosque, in Jeddah, offers a bit of visual trickery. During high tide, it looks like the mosque is floating on water, providing a beautiful and somewhat magical illusion. Locals joke that it’s the perfect place to pray for buoyancy. It’s like a scene out of “Harry Potter,” where magic seems to come to life — except this time, it’s architectural magic.

14. ATM for Camels

In some rural areas, you'll find ATMs not just for people but also for camels! Okay, not literally, but there are drive-through ATM services designed to accommodate people on camelback. It's a funny sight to see someone making a bank transaction while sitting atop a towering camel. Talk about mixing modern convenience with traditional transport! Imagine a camel impatiently waiting in line, tapping its hoof.


Saudi Arabia is a land of contrasts and surprises, where ancient traditions meet modern quirks in the most delightful ways. These funny facts highlight the unique charm and humor woven into everyday life. So, the next time you think of Saudi Arabia, remember that beyond its historical and cultural significance, it also has a playful side that's sure to tickle your funny bone. Whether it's camels in beauty contests or penguins in the desert, there's always something amusing to discover in this enchanting land.

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